Grete Sønsteby – co-founder of N2 Applied – was featured in the Norwegian farmer’s magazine “Bedre gårdsdrift” No. 9 2016. The headline reads “Green electricity at Grete’s”.

In Bedre Gårdsdrift from november 2016 solar power used for distributed production of nitrogen fertilizer is featured – at Strand gård in Svene in Numedal, Norway.
Grete Sønsteby in Svene has 170 square meters of solar cells on her barn roof. She is pleased to produce her own electricity and that the solar installation large parts of the day generates more electricity then her own consumption.
Produces N-fertilizer from air and solar power.
Grete Sønsteby and partner Rune Ingels have built a farm-unit producing NO gas from air with the help of electric power from the solar modules on the barn roof.
Link to the article page 1. Link to article page 2. Link to article page 3.