N2 Applied was invited to attend the launch of the United Nations Global Campaign on Sustainable Nitrogen Management “Nitrogen for Life” October 23-24 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The launch was hosted by The Government of Sri Lanka and United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).

The campaign addresses a major environmental threat which so far has received little global attention, namely nitrogen. UNEP Deputy Executive Director, Joyce Msuya sums up the issue: “Humanity’s very existence depends on nitrogen. Over time, we have learned how to harness its power. Pulling nitrogen from the air and fixing it in soil is one reason why the human population has expanded so rapidly. Yet its usefulness has come at a terrible cost. Our failure to use nitrogen efficiently is polluting the land, air and water.”

The outcome of the meeting is the “Colombo Declaration”, which declares an ambition to reduce global nitrogen waste with 50% by 2030. “The aspiration to halve nitrogen waste by 2030 offers a $100 billion opportunity to mobilise innovation for the nitrogen circular economy while contributing to environmental, health and livelihoods” states Prof. Mark Sutton, International Nitrogen Management System (INMS).

N2 Applied is proud to be the only private company invited to present a solution to the global nitrogen challenge. Trond Lund, Head of Business Development addressed the assembly and exhibited the N2 solution. He states: “We see a clear need for solutions that reduces ammonia emissions from agriculture and that is what N2 Applied provides”.