Plasma is widely used in traditional industrial processes and can also be a significant contributor to improving global food production. In this webinar you get the opportunity to get up to speed on what plasma is, how it is used and also what we are working on in this FastTrack to Innovation project. 


  • Introduction – Helen Kvande Due, N2 Applied 
  • What is plasma? – Colin O’Modhrain and Ivan Tsonev, University of Antwerp 
  • How plasma tech enabling the circular economy – Filip Angwald, ScanArc PlasmaTechnologies
  • Upgrading organic waste with plasma – Luciano E. Patruno, N2 Applied 
  • Q & A session

The webinar was chaired by Annemie Bogaerts, Professor at the University of Antwerp and head of the research group PLASMANT.