More Biogas, Småland was established in February 2011 as a fermentation plant, producing compressed vehicle fuel for local use in Kalmar, Sweden. The company has 22 co-owners of which 18 are nearby chicken, pig and cow farmers in Förlösa, Läckeby and Rockneby just north of Kalmar.
Approximately 90,000 tonnes of substrate is transported to the facility yearly. With substrate being made up of manure supplied from the farms, along with food waste from households in the neighbouring municipalities. In a collaborative exchange agreement with the supplying farmers, this slurry has since been transported on average 7.5km from the plant and spread onto the fields of the supplying farmers, equating to approximately 3,500 hectares of land.
However, in the Baltic region, and specifically Kalmar, plant nutrient losses into the Baltic Sea have been an increasing issue. It has been recognised that slurry (predominantly manure) on its own, in an untreated form is not optimal for the actual needs of crops, typically leading to unbalanced nutrient levels, whereby the excess leaches from the soil and into waterways. Interest has also been growing on the possibilities to improve the fertilisation capacity of the digestate with consideration of its emissions.
In late 2020, the Circular NP project was established with More Biogas in collaboration with Baltic Waters 2030, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) to develop improved biofertiliser products from manure. The rationale behind the project has been to identify practices that can reduce emissions and effectively manage nutrient levels for fertilisation properties. With a clear alignment in principles to that of N2 Applied, an N2 Unit has since been installed on-site to aid the process. By integrating N2’s plasma technology into More Biogas’ existing infrastructure, allows the digestate by-product to be treated, generating a high-performance fertiliser (NEO). Supplying farmers now receive this complete and odourless fertiliser suitable for spreading on their fields without the same emission consequences, whilst furthering the value of biogas production.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101008819.