Fast Track to Innovation (FTI)
About the Project
In a consortium, ScanArc Plasma Technologies AB , Antwerp University and N2 Applied has been granted a FTI project of 1.8 MEUR to optimise the plasma technology and develop an imporved generation of the technology.
The main objective of this project is to commercialise the technology through research and development of an optimised solution
The project runs from 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2022
The project is divided into 6 work packages:
WP 1 Optimisation of the plasma Reactor[WP 2 Optimisation of the absorption system]
WP 3 Commercial umit design[WP 4 Piloting and product verification]
WP 5 Communication and dissemination
WP 6 Project Management

N2 Applied AS ( is a Norwegian technology development company, with the head office in Asker and a test centre located close to Kongsberg, in addition to offices in Netherlands and the UK. N2 Applied is a catalyst and an incubator for high-tech initiatives related to nitrogen, with the plasma unit as its main product and the basis of its technology platform. N2’s core activities are technology development, sourcing and value-added services for the end-user.

ScanArc Plasma Technologies is a supplier of plasma solutions and our ambition is to electrify industries and help our customers create a sustainable business. With today’s global trends in electrification and carbon reduction, we see not only an increased interest in metallurgical applications, but also a wider range of industries looking for sustainable low-carbon technologies. ScanArc’s plasma system includes an efficient and environmentally friendly technology for converting electrical energy into hot gas. With more than 30 years of experience in the field, we deliver high quality standalone plasma systems and flexible applications.

The research group PLASMANT belongs to the chemistry department of University of Antwerp (UA). It forms a Center of Excellence at UA, called “PLASMA”, and also belongs to the “Sustainable Chemistry” consortium at UA. The group studies plasma chemistry, plasma reactor design and plasma-surface interactions (including solid catalyst surfaces, liquids and biomolecules), by means of computer modelling and experiments, for various applications. The two major applications are (i) green chemistry (conversion of greenhouse gases and other inert molecules like N2, into renewable fuels and value-added chemicals, by plasma and plasma catalysis), and (ii) plasma medicine (focusing on cancer treatment).
News, Activities and Results
Members of Parliament Visit N2 Applied Pilot Project As Part of UK Food Security Inquiry
Oslo, Norway: N2 Applied, the European agricultural technology business, has hosted a visit to its longest-running UK pilot farm site by members of the country’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee as part [...]
Scottish Institution Is First UK Purchaser Of N2 Applied Unit For Ultra Low Emission Slurry Production And Circular Agriculture
Oslo, Norway: N2 Applied, the European agricultural technology business, today announced that Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has become the first UK organisation to purchase an N2 Unit, a farming appliance that uses revolutionary technology [...]
New trial data shows that treated organic fertiliser can reduce dependence of chemical nitrogen fertiliser
Oslo, Norway: N2 Applied, the European agricultural technology business, today announced annual trial data from international testing sites which show that its sustainably-produced dairy slurry material can match and sometimes even outperform the yield [...]
NEO Performance Report Released
Throughout 2021, N2 Applied continued field trials across Northern Europe in collaboration with several research institutions. 2021 results continue to display the high performance of NEO as a high quality, sustainable fertiliser with reduced [...]