N2 Applied is a Norwegian technology company. N2 has an international team with various expertise from agriculture, technical engineering, business development and sustainability. The company has its head office in Oslo/Asker and a test centre outside of Kongsberg in Svene (Norway), and branches in Wageningen (Netherlands) and York (UK).
N2 Applied has developed a technology that enables local production of fertiliser from liquid organic substrates such as slurry or digestate with air and electricity. The technology adds nitrogen from the air into the liquid substrate and increases the nitrogen content. The reaction stops the loss of ammonia and reduces emissions, making it an efficient and sustainable fertiliser, and creating a more circular farm system. N2’s scalable process enables fertiliser production to be re-distributed to the end-user, the farmer – cutting long and expensive value chains, and reducing the need for chemical fertiliser production based on fossil gas or coal. The solution also provides on-farm emission reductions of methane and ammonia, as well as odour.